Welcome to App Screenshots

This is the site for the Mac app to create perfect screenshots for your iPhone apps.

Feel free to leave comments here

5 thoughts on “Welcome to App Screenshots

    1. Hi thanks for posting. iPhone 6+ should definitely be 1242 x 2208. Can you make sure the upload is iPhone 6+ screenshot from simulator?


    2. After further looking, it seems like there’s a bug with Retina Macs where the images would be double the size. A fix is coming!

      EDIT: It’s out!


  1. Hi Kent,
    Great Product!

    I tried importing the AppIcon.appiconset into Xcode (v8.1) and there are a couple iOS icon sizes that are not generated by your app. “iPhone Notification 20pt” (2x and 3x) and “iPad Notification 20 pt” (1x). In other words, I think we need Icon-20.png, Icon-20@2x.png and Icon-20@3x.png?

    Can you look into it? Thank you!


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